Well, 2024 marks 25 years since I discovered this scene (yes, before this site even existed!).
Quarter of a century...
A lot has happened in that time, people have come and gone, combined weight gain is immense, web models moved on to be replaced by new.
Silll searching for that special lady, not given up hope yet!
Well, 2024 marks 25 years since I discovered this scene (yes, before this site even existed!).
Quarter of a century...
A lot has happened in that time, people have come and gone, combined weight gain is immense, web models moved on to be replaced by new.
Silll searching for that special lady, not given up hope yet!
Omg I love the idea of celebrating the Anniversary of discovering Feedism, and with gaining weight. We should do this more in the community!
Congrats also! This community is better with you in it, and it sounds like you’ve gone on all kinds of adventures with it.
Don’t lose hope, you’ll find the right one for you!
8 months